We understand that the move from Strandvliet to a new location raises many questions. On this page we therefore answer the most frequently asked questions. On other pages you will find the latest news about the move, the planning of the move and a photo page where you can follow the progress.
General questions about the move
From now on we talk about TPC Gaasperpark!
Questions about the new tennis park
The board of TPC Gaasperpark is working with many parties to make the move a success for both its current members and future members. On this page we share the planning, the consultations we hold and show who our most important discussion partners are. On other pages you will find the latest news about the move, answers to the most frequently asked questions about the move and a photo page where you can follow the progress. Timeline of the moveWe will start the 2023 season at the new park. The planning of the construction work can be seen via this link. Partners of Gaasperpark in the move
Overview of consultations about the move19/06/2021: Special General Members' Meeting in which the members express their views on: 1) the agreement letter with the municipality of Amsterdam, 2) the business case and the investment plan, 3) the design of the sports park and 4) the design of the clubhouse.14/06/2021: Information meeting for Strandvliet members about 1) the agreement letter with the municipality of Amsterdam, 2) the business case and the investment plan, 3) the design of the sports park and 4) the design of the clubhouse. the relocation of Strandvliet.10/06/2021: Consultation with the municipality of Amsterdam about the permits that we must apply for the move.08/06/2021: Consultation with the municipality of Amsterdam to complete the draft agreement letter so that it can be sent to the members can be sent in preparation for the AGM of June 19. 03/06/2021: Consultation with the architect of the clubhouse, in which the preliminary design of the clubhouse was presented.18/05/2021: Consultation with architects of the sports park to make technical adjustments.10/05/2021: Information meeting for neighbors in Pakhuis de Zwijger about the arrival of a new tennis park.07/05/2021: Biweekly consultation with architect about the design of the clubhouse07/05/2021: Weekly consultation with the municipality of Amsterdam about the communication efforts surrounding the move.03/ 05/2021: Starting meeting of Strandvliet relocation committees. Date is in draft.30/04/2021: Weekly consultation with the municipality of Amsterdam about the communication efforts surrounding the move.23/04/2021: Bi-weekly consultation with architect about the design of the clubhouse23/04/2021: Weekly consultation with the municipality of Amsterdam about the communication efforts surrounding the move.21/04/2021: Consultation with the municipality of Amsterdam to prepare the information meeting of May 10 in Pakhuis de Zwijger.20/04/2021: Follow-up consultation with the municipality of Amsterdam to prepare the concept to complete an agreement letter in which the moving conditions, planning and land agreement are recorded.16/04/2021: Weekly consultation with the municipality of Amsterdam about the communication efforts surrounding the move.14/04/2021: Follow-up consultation with the municipality of Amsterdam about the cost estimate and cost distribution of the club building.12/04/2021: Introduction between Strandvliet and the Campanile Hotel.09/04/2021: Biweekly consultation with architect about the design of the clubhouse.09/04/2021: Weekly consultation with the municipality of Amsterdam about the communication efforts surrounding the move.07/04/2021: Follow-up consultation with the municipality of Amsterdam to determine the design principles and the ambition level of the clubhouse as a starting point for the design process and as a basis for the cost allocation.31/03/2021: Weekly consultation with the municipality of Amsterdam about the communication efforts surrounding the move.29/03/2021: Consultation with the Esther Vergeer Foundation to make the new sports park and clubhouse accessible for wheelchair tennis.26/03/2021: Biweekly consultation with architect about design clubhouse.24/03/2021: Consultation with the municipality of Amsterdam to determine the construction program and the ambition level for the clubhouse and to arrive at a cost allocation. The municipality provides a sustainability advisor and a cost expert for this process.19/03/2021: Appointment with the architect about the design of the clubhouse.16/03/2021: Consultation with the municipality of Amsterdam about the agreement letter in which the moving conditions are recorded (incl. financial contribution from the municipality), the planning (including continuity of play around the move) and the land agreement (including agreements on construction and operation).04/03/2021: Introduction to the new environmental manager of the municipality of Amsterdam for De Nieuwe Kern. 27/02/2021: General Members' Meeting of LTC Strandvliet.11/02/2021: Consultation with SWS (Stichting Waarborgfonds Sport) in preparation for the application later this year.10/02/2021: Consultation with Vattenfall to agree with each other under which preconditions the sports park can be realized (in connection with the heating pipe under the construction field). Agreements will be elaborated in an agreement.07/02/2021: Consultation with DriveItt about the collaboration on the new sports park.04/02/2021: Follow-up consultation with the municipality of Amsterdam about the project planning of the new tennis park and the 2022 playing season.01/02/2021: Appointment with architectural firm H N S about the design of the sports park and making a design drawing that can be shared at the AGM.29/01/2021: Appointment with the architect about the design of the clubhouse.28/01/2021 : Consultation with the Engineering Office of the Municipality of Amsterdam about the intended diversion route from the Passage over the MediArena.25/01/2021: Consultation with the Municipality of Amsterdam about the project planning of the new tennis park and the 2022 playing season.24/01/2021: Consultation with the board to discuss the concept design of the new sports park.21/01/2021: Workshop 4 with the municipality of Amsterdam on sustainability and the integration of greenery.19/01/2021: Consultation with the municipality of Amsterdam about the private law contract concluded with the municipality must be for the new location.18/01/2021: Workshop 3 with urban planners and planners from the municipality of Amsterdam.15/01/2021: Discussing first sketches of the sports park with architectural firm H N S.21/12/2020: Consultation with the sports participation team of the municipality of Amsterdam about support with the participation process and marketing and communication.11/12/2020: Agreement with the municipality of Amsterdam about compensation.10/12/2020: First proposal received from the municipality of Amsterdam for the financing contribution ( compensation), including valuation report for the current clubhouse.01/12/2020: Discussion with the board of the Strandvliet Foundation about their role and contribution to the move.23/11/2020: Workshop 2 with urban planners and planners from the municipality of Amsterdam. 11/17/2020: Design session with architectural firm H N S about the design of the new sports park. 16/11/2020: Meeting Zuidoost City (merger of Business Association VAZO, ZuidoostPartners and ZO!city).11/11/2020: Appointment with Vattenfall about heat pipes under the proposed new location.06/11/2020: Appointment with architect Peter Dautzenberg about the design of the new clubhouse.03/11/2020: Workshop 1 with urban planners and planners from the municipality of Amsterdam.30/10/2020: Appointment with Simoove about the Program of Requirements of the new sports park.22/10/2020: Appointment with Stichting Jeugdtennis Amsterdam Zuidoost (STJAZ) about possible collaboration on the new sports park.20/10/2020: Webinar by the KNLTB about the rent increase of the municipality of Amsterdam.20/10/2020: Appointment with DriveItt about possible collaboration on the new sportpark.23/09/2020: Discussion with the municipality of Amsterdam about the business case of the new sports park.15/09/2020: Brainstorming session with members of Strandvliet and architect Peter Dautzenberg.02/09/2020: Discussion with the municipality of Amsterdam about the business case of the new sports park.13/08/2020: Confirmation of receipt and conditional approval sent to the municipality of Amsterdam on behalf of the Strandvliet board.15/06/2020: Termination received from the municipality of Amsterdam for the loan agreement for the club building and the parking lot
TPC Gaasperpark
Loosdrechtdreef 81108 AZ Amsterdaminfo@gaasperpark.amsterdam
31 6 417 199 11KVK 40533271
IBAN: NL72 INGB 000 37 39 723
Who are we?
TPC Gaasperpark is a friendly, accessible and inclusive tennis and padel club near Gaasperplas in Amsterdam-Zuidoost. Members play tennis 365 days a year on 6 illuminated clay courts and 4 illuminated outdoor padel courts.